A Cherwell Journey: Theo Reflects on His Time and Future Plans

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A Cherwell Journey: After achieving excellent results in his A-Levels – an A in Mathematics and two B’s in Chemistry and Economics, Theo recently left Cherwell College Oxford. We were delighted to sit down with him for an interview, where he shared his thoughts with Katya Kryvonos, our Student Visa Adviser and Finance Officer. Theo spoke about his academic choices, his experiences at Cherwell, and his aspirations for the future.

When asked why he chose to study Mathematics, Economics, and Chemistry at A-Level, Theo’s reasoning was both practical and forward-thinking. “For Maths, it opens doors to a lot of different fields in various industries,” he explained. Mathematics, known for its versatility, gave him a strong foundation for multiple career paths. He chose Economics as it aligns with his university plans, with an intention to pursue it further. “Once you finish Economics, you can go into different fields like civil service, business, and politics,” he said.

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Chemistry, although not directly tied to his future career goals, was a subject Theo excelled in back home in Singapore. Continuing with Chemistry felt natural for him, as it provided a seamless transition into A-Level, given his prior success. His subject choices reflect a careful balance of interest and practicality, setting him up well for future academic and career success.

When Katya asked about his long-term ambitions and how they relate to his chosen degree, Theo shared that his focus is on business. “I think business is where I see myself,” he noted, explaining how a degree in Economics would open up various career paths, particularly in business and finance.

Reflecting on his time at Cherwell College, Theo described it as “a good experience” that had broadened his horizons. One of the standout aspects of his time at Cherwell was the opportunity to meet students from across the world. “I met different people like Yordan and Balazs from different countries, which I wouldn’t have experienced back in Singapore,” Theo commented, appreciating the diversity within the student community and the exposure to different cultures.

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Beyond the diverse social experiences, Theo valued the independence that comes with a UK education. “I’ve experienced a UK education which is quite independent, and there’s a lot of emphasis on interdisciplinary learning,” he said, describing this approach as refreshing compared to his previous educational experiences.

Theo’s journey at Cherwell College has been marked by academic success, cultural enrichment, and personal development. With plans to study Economics at university and potentially pursue a career in business, his time at Cherwell has clearly prepared him well for the future. We are incredibly proud of everything he has accomplished and look forward to seeing what lies ahead for him.

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If you’re looking for an academic environment that helps you grow in independence and success, Cherwell College Oxford, located in the heart of Oxford, the city of dreaming spires, could be the perfect place for you. Join us and create your own story! 🌍🎒

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